Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Thought about English composition at PGCC

My experience in English my junior semester was a good one. John Magrino is a good teacher with core values and ethics. He knows a lot about how to teach english and explains everything thouroughly. The essays were not too hard plus the other course work wasn't that bad either. All in all even though I am not a Monday person, I never minded going to english.

Why tonight is awsome

I didnt notice it, but i flipped through the channels and i found out that the NFL hall of fame game is on. You all know what this means, its football time. Football season by far, only compared to NHL, is the greatest thing to watch on Sunday afternoons. The great hits, the touchdowns, just everything is great. I love to just make some food and start watching at around one o'clock. I know its only preseason right now but I can't wait for the real season to start.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Why Chris Johnson will be the next walter payton

Chris Johnson, running back of the Tennessee Titans, is one of the fastest running backs I have ever seen. He ran a 4.0 flat in his college combine and in the NFL combine, he ran a 4.2. This is remarkable that someone has talent like this. I am excited to see where his future in the NFL will be since he was the leading rusher in the league last year. I hope the Titans offer him a bigger contract so all the fans of the NFL can watch this amazing running back work his magic on the field. Also, in Madden 10 he is the fastest one and I will take on anyone with him on my team and I will win always.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shark Week

After watching a show about sharks and everything to do with sharks, its pretty crazy of how scary they really are. I was afraid of sharks before and now after watching this show I will officially say that I would rather not go into the ocean anymore. Such examples like the great white are just superior to any other predator and if one ever went after me I really don't know what I would do. The experts said they can pick out blood in over a million gallons of water. What amazing animals they really are but I defintely not want to go anywhere near them in the water.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fifa 2008

Fifa 2008 came out a while ago but what a game it still is! Its real life sounds of the game and players movements makes one feel like they are at the game. The moves of the players is unbelievable and I need to invest in the new game. Its just awesome to see that games will be getting even better than this game.

Friday, July 30, 2010

First Blog for Manning

Just listened to the new rick Ross CD and it kinda is weird sounding with all his yelling random words out for no reason. What happened to the original Ross with such great tracks as "The Boss" or "Money Maker". I just don't understand why rap artist have to change their style to just play it at a lame club or something. I want them to go back to their original sounds without sound boxes and crap.